Board of Education

About Your Board of Education
The seven elected members of the Board of Education serve without compensation. They are committed citizens who devote countless hours working on behalf of children, staff, and the educational interest of the residents.
The Board serves as the governing body for the community's public school system.
The Board sets District policies, establishes goals, selects and evaluates the superintendent of schools, adopts the annual budget, and determines the tax rate.
Board members are required to complete 16 hours of training in their first year in office.
An annual election is held in April for school board members. Members serve three-year overlapping terms with two or three members elected each year.
The Board of Education customarily meets on the third Thursday of each month. Meetings are held in the District. The community is welcome and encouraged to attend. Regular and special meetings are open to the public. Executive sessions are closed to the public in accordance with Missouri Sunshine Law.
Meeting Procedures
The Board of Education is a meeting in public that follows a set agenda. The meetings consist of:
President comments
Recognizing staff, students, and district patrons
Acting on financial matters
Approving policies
Hiring personnel
Accepting bids
Approving previous meeting minutes
Public comments
Approving curriculum
Reviewing instructional programs
Superintendent reports
Addressing the Board
Those wishing to address the Board must complete a request form before the meeting at the recording secretary's table. Completed forms are returned to the recording secretary who presents them to the meeting chairperson before the start of the meeting.
Comments are limited to three minutes.
If you are unable to attend the meeting, you may direct written correspondences to the Board President at 4290 Gravois Road, House Springs, MO 63051.
For official copies of meeting minutes, call 636.692.0464